Honeymoon Day 3 – February 23rd, 2010

Tuesday, February 23rd

 As we had planned a formal dinner for one of the nights, we had decided that Tuesday was the night that we were going to do it. We lazed around the house, went on a walk around the marina admiring all of the beautiful boats that were moored there, and ended up going back around 4pm.  I started pulling out the dishes that I had brought.

When I had first found out that we were going to be staying 4 days in a place where there was a kitchenette, I had wanted to do a fancy dinner, and use the fine china and crystal that I had been collecting over the past 4 years or so. A few weeks before the wedding, I had packed aside all of the dishes that I had wanted to bring.

I started washing the dishes, plates, serving dishes, the crystal glasses and sorbet glasses, and the sterling silverware that Momma had given to me at my bridal shower. Jordan pulled out the glasses that he had engraved with our names and the wedding date, and the serving dishes from the set of everyday silverware that Grandpa and Grandma Peterson had given us back at Christmas time. I knew it was going to take more time to set up the table than to cook the meal, so I started on the table first! :p

Jordan and I both agreed that we wanted to move the table out to the deck to eat as it was so beautiful outside, so he moved all of the patio furniture inside while I moved most of the chairs to the side, and we both moved the table together. Then I took and cleaned and polished the top of the glass, to make it extra shiny and clean before I started placing out the china.

I had so much fun taking the plates and silverware, and lining them up and making them perfect. After I placed out the silverware, china, and crystal glasses,  I started putting out the candles and candlestick holders. I kept stopping, admiring, and excitedly pointing out to Jordan the various sparkles in the crystal, or the vivid colors of the china.

After setting the table, I could finally prepare the dinner with peace of mind, knowing that the table was all prepared. I joined Jordan in the kitchen, making the garlic bread, cutting bell peppers for salad, putting the spaghetti sauce on the stove to simmer, cutting broccoli for a snack, and putting water on the stove to boil the pasta.

It is such a successful, content feeling, to have a happy, clean kitchen, a nice dinner in process in the kitchen, and a quiet, peaceful CD on, and Jordan helping me in the kitchen.

Jordan went to the room to go get dressed for dinner while I started the corn on the stove and getting the pasta on to cook. Within a short period of time, we were starting to put the food in the dishes, and I went to get dressed while Jordan lit the candles on the table. He and I both put the finishing touches on dinner, and stood back to admire our handiwork.

I can’t remember a prettier table, and the pictures that we took will never record half of the beauty that I’ll remember for the rest of my life, with the clear tabletop, the sparkling crystal goblets, the glow of the candles, the shimmer of the George and Martha Washington silverware, the vivid colors of the reds, burgundies, yellows and whites of the Old Country Roses china, and the beautiful contrast of the red sauce, the yellow corn, the creamy garlic toast, the brown of the whole wheat pasta, the dark healthy green of the broccoli with the contrast of the ranch dip, and the dark red burning candles, against a dark background of the setting sun, the white boats, and the shimmering water.

We very thoroughly enjoyed that dinner! That night for dessert, we brought out the honeymoon cake that Pam Greenwell had made for us, and thoroughly enjoyed the rich, Chocolate chocolate chip cake with the buttercream icing, a miniature version of the bottom layer of cakes at the reception. Overall, the evening was thoroughly enjoyed, very peaceful, and will linger in our memories as the highlight of our honeymoon.

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