Honeymoon Day 6 – February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26th

                We met Mom and Dad at Cracker Barrel that morning for breakfast.  I was excited to see that Dad had a copy of Uncle Floyd’s photos of our wedding. Uncle Floyd had mailed them to Dad after the wedding, and they had just arrived on Thursday, so Dad said that he would copy them for us so that we would have them to take back with us.

                After an unusually large breakfast, Jordan and I went to the office to say “bye” to everyone. I was very surprised at how changed around my old office was, but I was very pleased to know that the office that I had left was in better, more capable hands. After many hugs and goodbye’s, and see-you-in-July’s. Jordan and I finally got on the interstate heading North. I don’t recall much of the trip that day, probably because not much happened and I was tired, but we passed familiar territory, such as Gainesville, and then later got into heavier cities, and I saw names of ones that I recognized, especially Tallahassee. (I’d hope that I’d recognize Tallahassee…it is the state capitol!)  We did pull over in Tallahassee and get gas. I was a little concerned that we’d get stuck in traffic and not be able to get back on the interstate, but that was always an old childhood fear, before I understood how to read highway signs. As much as I’m able to read road signs now, I’m still in awe of my Dad and Jordan for being able to read the road signs and just know where to go.

                We did push to see how far that we could go, and we ended up in Mobile, Alabama. We had pulled over in Mobile, and had traveled through the streets, paroling for available internet, and as soon as we found it, we booked our hotel, pulled our directions to the place, and we were on our way. I remember marveling through the darkness at the beauty of the barely visible houses along the streets where we were traveling.

                About 10-15 minutes of driving after booking our room, we pulled in at a Wendy’s for dinner. There are times that food tastes good, and at that point, I wasn’t exceptionally hungry, but it did taste good! I had a new menu item, some buffalo chicken, and I will admit, it did taste good, and I thought it went rather well with my chocolate Frosty. 🙂 I did have a bite of Jordan’s hamburger, and it tasted fairly good too.

                When we got to our hotel (which was just around the corner of the Wendy’s where we had dinner), it was a relief to stop driving, and go to bed!

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